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Predictive Intelligence for Limiting Outbreak Threats

Interdisciplinary expertise for pandemic preparedness 



The PIPP Phase I PILOT (Predictive Intelligence for Limiting Outbreak Threats) project is an NSF-sponsored, multi-institution initiative that brings together essential interdisciplinary expertise to address major scientific knowledge gaps in pandemic surveillance, prediction, and mitigation. Working together with the broader academic, practitioner, and decision-maker communities, the PILOT team will convene multiple workshops using a roundtable interactive format to make strides towards the development of a scientifically-grounded pandemic modeling framework and preparedness program. Our prospective modeling framework consists of three interconnected and adoptive steps:


  1. Estimating the pandemic potential of a pathogen;

  2. Predicting the impact of public health interventions on disease transmission; and

  3. Monitoring the uptake of proposed interventions to better mitigate infectious disease crises

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